DominatorIIª - stereo precision peak limiter
The Dominator II from Aphex Systems is a stereo multiband peak limiter designed to fita wide range of applications. Through the use of multiband techniques along with newproprietary circuits, the audibility of limiting action has been greatly reduced, especiallywhen compared to conventional limiters. This means that greater limiting depth ispossible, resulting in higher loudness with maintained audio quality. At virtually anylimiting depth, the Dominator II is free of "hole punching", "dullness", and most othereffects normally associated with limiters. As a peak overshoot protection limiter, theDominator II is undetectable in line while it absolutely prevents peak levels fromexceeding a user settable output level. In addition, the desired limiting effects ofgreater audio density and increased "punch" are readily available with the Dominator II.